In our language school, we operate in accordance with the principles of equality and inclusion of all in society. We successfully recognize the diversity of participants and are aware that identifying and following their diverse needs are important sources of innovation and joint development. Diversity in society has always been a source of progress and development.
Do you think these are really the three foundations of integration into Slovenian society?
It is really very difficult to join a Slovene-speaking society if you do not know Slovene. The first step towards integration is therefore to show your willingness to want to understand and communicate with your surroundings. If you are at the beginning, you can help yourself in part with English, but know that not all people in Slovenia speak English. First, you can study on your own, as a self-taught person, or take a language course.
We offer many pathways to knowledge of Slovene and other foreign languages to all those who want new knowledge. We invite you to take advantage of the rich offer of free courses for you, conducted by accessible and professional teachers who take care of their continuous professional development and use modern didactic methods in teaching.
Vsem željnim novega znanja ponujamo številne poti do znanja slovenščine in drugih tujih jezikov. Vabimo vas, da izkoristite bogato ponudbo za vas brezplačnih tečajev, ki jih izvajajo dostopni in strokovni učitelji, ki skrbijo za svoj stalni profesionalni razvoj in pri poučevanju uporabljajo sodobne didaktične metode.
Ob vpisu vam ponujamo tudi brezplačno svetovanje in vrednotenje znanja s pripravo individualnega izobraževalnega načrta.
Upon enrollment, we also offer free counseling and knowledge evaluation by preparing an individual educational plan.
Opremite se z znanjem slovenščine, da se bo slišal tudi vaš glas.