The concession was granted by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the Republic of Slovenia. The workshops are intended for the unemployed. Referrals are made through counseling at the Employment Service of Slovenia.
In 2016, the Cene Štupar Public Institution - Ljubljana Education Center obtained a CONCESSION for the provision of labor market services in a public tender, namely lifelong career guidance services for the period 2016-2018. The concession was granted to us on the basis of decision No. 0144-3 / 2015-28 of 11 May 2016.
The lifelong career guidance service includes the implementation of the Career Leadership Skills Learning activity, namely the implementation of type C1, C2 and D workshops.
is intended for the activation of unemployed persons over 50 years of age.
The purpose of the workshop is to activate the participants in recognizing their strengths and acquired competencies and finding opportunities in the labor market within standard and alternative forms of employment.
is intended for directly employable persons who have not been identified as major barriers to finding employment, but who still need additional assistance in their first or reintegration into the labor market.
The purpose of the workshop is to increase the efficiency of participants in the labor market and to acquaint them with different, more modern ways of finding employment, which can contribute to more active and efficient job search, or other activities to build their career path with the goal of employment.
is intended for long-term unemployed people who failed to find a job in the first twelve months after registering as unemployed and need help in motivating and activating, support in changing attitudes that hinder them from actively looking for work and overcoming situations. obstacles.
The purpose of the workshop is to help participants identify their position in the labor market, train them to independently pursue a career and actively address their own unemployment, make them aware of the limiting beliefs and attitudes they have towards finding a job, including changing them, set new goals and to acquire the missing job search skills and to offer them help and support in their activities.